The story begins in 1998, when Jack, the leader of the company, broke into the fitness industry with his humorous, down-to-earth and hard-working personality. As a leader in China, Jack has demonstrated strong leadership skills and quickly led the company to success in the fitness industry.
Jack’s leadership style is centered on open communication and he understands the importance of communication and is committed to creating a dynamic and collaborative company culture. He encourages employees to express their views and ensures everyone has an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. This open communication atmosphere promotes collaboration and innovation within the company.
Over time, Jack realized that the company needed more opportunities for growth. In 2004, he led the team to enter the outdoor products industry, which marked the expansion of the company’s business scope. This decision showed Jack’s foresight and he successfully shifted the company’s strategic direction to emerging areas.
In the process of expanding the outdoor products industry, Jack did not stop at product development and sales. Instead, he saw great potential in building factories. Therefore, he decided to invest considerable resources in creating the company’s own factory. This move not only improves the company’s production efficiency, but also makes it more competitive.